Sunday, 30 November 2014


So, here it goes, a blog. I don't now if this will carry on going or if this will even be remotely good, but it is worth a go.

First things first (I'm the realest!) this blog will be anonymous so no names will be mentions as I will call my friends other names if I include them in any of my stories or posts this is because if anyone knows me then, well, it will be embarrassing. Anyway where should my life story begin?...

So it starts in February on a cold morning as that is when I was born, however while I was young I got burned (I will not say how as that will give away who I am as most of my friends know!) and well school life was hard when you have horrible scars over your body, I got called a monster and that people should stay away from me, it was hard during those times as they said horrible things but luckily I had someone that didn't believe all the crap that they said, lets call them Anna, so Anna helped me through these times and helped me stand up to the bullies. But another thing that helped was dance, so I have been dancing since about 4 years old and every since my first lesson when we did shuffles in tap I have loved every minuet of it. Every exam and every show. I am still dancing as it is my dream to become a dance teacher and share my love with others.

So dance helped me through one rough time, and it would help me again! So it was coming up to the end of year 6 at my primary school and I was worried about the whole bullying business again, people said it would be fine but I knew it wouldn't. What do I do? I turn to my dancing friends, well one in particular, lets call them Gemma, Gemma had already started secondary and told me about their first year it went well for them as they met their current bff's and so I asked her "did you or anyone you know get bullied, if so how did they over come it" they replied with "yes, actually, they stopped it by telling the bully how they felt and telling people about their situation". Their advice helped me a lot, and that is the advice I am going to give to you.

So most blogs have a point, right? This one is about making new starts and changing, for example I have just started this new blog I have no idea if anyone will read it or like it. But here is my advice don't worry about what people say about you, and if you are being bullied, don't be afraid to tell people or if you are START A BLOG and post it all on their, you can then share it with your friends and they will help you. When going through hard times you sometimes think it won't get better but you need to believe that it will, because it will.

Anyway that is it for now.
Need to think of a catch line or something like 'girl online going offline' - quote from my fav book Girl Online by Zoella (Zoe Sugg)


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